GodUZ 神技屋子 神技优知 技能分享
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3,000 students graduate each year find a job within 2 months
Join them and increase your chances to get hired.
Driven by Excellence
Teachers are selected among experts of their domains. They are not just professors, they are professionals in their field of expertise.
Journalists, directors, developers, etc. working effectively in their fields of excellence.
What makes us different?
We make sure that everyone blossoms. We keep a human size in a warm and modern setting. All students benefit from individualised support.
All students benefit from individualised support.
Are you searching for a school where cutting-edge programmes are taught, in a continually evolving environment and located in the heart of a dynamic city? You have just found it!
The campus
The small and modern campus is only a 10-minute walk away from the city centre and is easily accessible by car and public transport. It is also close to the train stations.